RCPSC - Psychiatry

Kasra Mohseni Koochesfahani, MD

37 ratings


May 21st 2024

Buddy, if you're going to leave yourself positive reviews after the well deserved shit everyone is taking on you, your practice and your lack of ethics, at least make it more believable. 

You're incompetent both at your practice and at covering your own mess. 
Please, go back to school, and actually attend your classes this time, and LISTEN to your instructors. Maybe you'll learn something this time.

Oct 20th 2023

I was with Dr. K for 4 years. Honestly, I found him to be so important for my growth. I was 18 when I first met him, and 22 when he left. He saw me through a significant period in my life, I truly felt like I ‘grew up’ in my time in his sessions and he supported and guided me throughout. Since, I tried seeing a new psychiatrist but have stopped as I much preferred Dr.K’s style. I found him to be compassionate yet reasonable. 

I am pretty confused by the reviews. I think some of the mental and emotional dysregulation that result in seeing a psychiatrist are hard to traverse. And a psychiatrist can get a lot of flack for providing a balanced approach, as too many people become way too attached to their psychiatrist and see them as a friend/parent/authority figure and externalize those feelings. One of the things that I felt hurt by Dr.K for, he took my parents side on an issue when I was 19. At the time I thought he was being cruel and felt abandoned as he did not validate my feelings. I am now 24, and realize I was acting unreasonable, selfish, and honestly bratty. It’s normal to come to disagreements, but I always felt Dr.K was compassionate when hearing my feelings and we discussed workable solutions together. I truly feel I wouldn’t be around today without him, I really needed the help and guidance he provided. I feel like I owe him a lot, and I am truly thankful for his time and words over the years. 

Jun 26th 2023

Truly the most unhelpful therapist I've interacted with. After a tumultuous break up, I seeked out a therapist from my GP, and was put in touch with this therapist. 

Not only did he interrupt our session to take a personal phone call, but went on to say that I deep down still seek my ex's approval, even though he was being abusive. Can't believe a therapist would even dare to spew such misogynistic garbage lime that!
I'm still in shock from this session I just had with him ...
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