Clinique médicale métro médic centre-ville

Montréal - 1 km
26 ratings


Aug 4th 2021


Jul 3rd 2020

The doctor straight up told me itchiness was not a symptom of any STI and I had to insist on getting tested for STIs. He was going to send me to a pharmacy to buy over the counter yeast infection medicine. I was also concerned about a bulls eye rash i got in new Brunswick after seeing a tick in the brush. He told me there are only Lyme's ticks in quebec and did not do any follow up on that. I was trying to be cautious and get these things checked by a doctor but he made 2 false claims during our 2 minute consultation.... I do not trust the doctors at this clinic anymore

Dec 12th 2018

Il y a pas de gens ou arrive tot et souvent deja plein et t envoie a une autre clinique en disant moins long et de la place mais il y a pas de medecin cette journee juste une secretaire alors jarrive en disant que cette clinique m envoi et la lui dit appeler les et mentionnee pas medecin et demande si reouvert et repond non . Systeme de merde .
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2020 Blvd Robert-Bourassa, suite 1920 , Montréal QC H3A2A5

Contact information

(514) 932-2122


  • Contraception
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Emergency oral contraception
  • General
  • Samples
  • Walk-in

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